The Auditorium
Other Venues: Fremont Abbey | Ballard Homestead | St. Mark’s
@ Uheights, built 1904, renovated 2017

3/16/18 Honcho Poncho, Genders, Big Buddy (Photo by Dan Bracaglia)

11/3/17 Hoop, Ora Cogan, Tispur

11/16/18 Florist, Pickle Boy, Chanel Beads

- 150 capacity, can be seated or standing, louder shows ok here
- Newly opened in 2017, 1903 Schoolhouse near University of Washington
- Full PA & theatre LED lighting grid. Behringer X32 Compact digital mixer.
- Raised modular stage (33” x 13.5’deep x 18” height)
- Hallways & other rooms offer potential for smaller festivals