| Ongoing: Open Arts Mic 1st & 3rd TUE @ Fremont Abbey, The Moth Storytelling: Most 1st THU & 3rd FRI | Bandit Theatre Improv Comedy | The Not Creepy Gatherings | Wecelium Sound Baths | Shortlist: 3/7 Minami, with Brittany Allyson and Tyler Hamilton | 3/8 Ankur Tewari | 3/10 Wesley Stace & Mare Winningham | […]
Category Archives: Show
Haley Heynderickx
Haley Heynderickx, Chamberlain / Gonzalez FRIDAY OCT 11 @ St. Mark’s Cathedral 7:30p show TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, seating available, open floor near stage for blankets Bar w/ ID. All alcohol profits to Charity thanks to the generosity of our local sponsors A unique open floor concert experience, quiet picnics welcome. Seating available, including chairs, […]
Robyn Hitchcock
Robyn Hitchcock @ FREMONT ABBEY OCT 11-12 OCT 11: NIGHT 1 TICKETS | FACEBOOK OCT 12: NIGHT 2 TICKETS All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
Viv & Riley, Faux Paws
Viv & Riley, The Faux Paws @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK SEP 24, 8:00 show All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
9/6 The Softies
The Softies, Seapony, Lisa Prank @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
The Moth StorySLAM Theme: COMEBACKS @ Bloedel Hall, St Marks Cathedral TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
8/10 Son Little
Son Little, Jayza Duhon on tour Live @ FREMONT ABBEY “This is soul music of the most raw and affecting type; naked but brimming with more feeling than the majority of today’s stars in the genre whose elaborate productions can’t touch Son Little’s cottage project for purity and emotional clarity. ” American Songwriter TICKETS | FACEBOOK All […]
KR3TURE, BRIAN ENOCH (AMANITA), LUKE RAIN Live @ Fremont Abbey 8/8 Lions Gate Special event w Indigo Rose, Erika Merz & Suntaya holding space 7:30 meditation, 8-11p show TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
The Moth StorySLAM Theme: HOT MESS @ Fremont Abbey TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
The Moth StorySLAM Theme: ACHILLES HEEL @ Bloedel Hall, St Marks Cathedral TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
Bandit Theater and Abbey Arts Presents: Tumbleweeds: Bandit’s newest stars are stepping onstage to create comedy gold based on your suggestions! @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
The Moth StorySLAM Theme: TEMPTATION @ Fremont Abbey TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
6/28 Marissa Nadler
Marissa Nadler, Jesse Sykes @ BALLARD HOMESTEAD TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
6/28 Townsend’s Solitaire
Townsend’s Solitaire Album Release, with Ollella LIVE @ WOODLAWN HALL (GREENLAKE) TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated At the new Woodlawn Hall 7400 Woodlawn Ave NE, near the library
6/22 Bandit
The Moth StorySLAM Theme: BAGGAGE @ Bloedel Hall, St Marks Cathedral TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
6/13 Missy Raines
Missy Raines & Allegheny, Fog Holler @ Ballard Homestead TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
6/15 Mariee Siou
White Lotus Farm & Abbey Arts present: Summer Solstice Community Concert with special guest Mariee Siou (on tour), local singer/songwriter Monica, guests TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated @ White Lotus Farm & Inn near Chimacum / Port Townsend WA, about 35 minutes from Kingston ferry.
6/9 MaMuse
MaMuse, Ahlay @ BALLARD HOMESTEAD TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
The Moth StorySLAM Theme: GUTS @ Fremont Abbey TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
5/31 Wiseacre
Wiseacre, K Van Petten, Sophia Corinne TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
5/31 Event
Abbey Arts Presents: Interrupt The Loop: Candice Rose, Earth Practice, & Micaela Kingslight TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available
5/31 Woynich
WOYNICH (Cami Flage & Matt Brown), Evan Hjort, Sue Ann Harkey, Phylyps Hue (Tondiue & Max of APT E) LIVE @ WOODLAWN HALL (GREENLAKE) TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated At the new Woodlawn Hall 7400 Woodlawn Ave NE, near the library
5/30 Mariee Siou
Mariee Siou @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
5/28 Avec Anne
Avec Anne, Clover @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID Artist run event, 100% of ticket sales to artists.
RY X, KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH @ St. Mark’s Cathedral, 7:30p TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, seating available, open floor near stage for blankets Bar w/ ID. All alcohol profits to Charity thanks to the generosity of our local sponsors A unique open floor concert experience, quiet picnics welcome. Seating available, including chairs, benches, and floor space. […]
The Moth StorySLAM Theme: BACKFIRED @ Bloedel Hall, St Marks Cathedral TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
5/17 Antonio Rey
Antonio Rey: Flamenco Guitar Master from Spain TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
5/15 Ballard Fiddlers
Shelby Natasha, Ladies Loe, Ballard HS Fiddlers @ Ballard Homestead TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
5/14 The Round
Andrew Vait, Bryan Appleby, Shaina Shepherd +more @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
5/13 Jon McLaughlin
Jon McLaughlin, Leo Sawikin @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
5/11 Bandit
Bandit Theater and Abbey Arts Presents: Mad Science: COME LEARN A THING OR TWO… OR NOTHING AT ALL! and First Date: ON-STAGE LOVE CONNECTION? MAYBE! @ FREMONT ABBEY MAD SCIENCE TICKETS | FACEBOOK FIRST DATE TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
5/11 Snow Raven
Snow Raven featuring Misha Mishenko @ St. Mark’s Cathedral, 7:30p TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, seating available, open floor near stage for blankets A unique open floor concert experience, quiet picnics welcome. Seating available, including chairs, benches, and floor space. See ticketing page for event details regarding quiet, cameras, etc.
5/3 Thunderstorm Artis
Thunderstorm Artis TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available.
4/27 Off The Page: Poetry
Off The Page: Poetry of Life @ WOODLAWN HALL (GREENLAKE) feat. musician Royce Lovett, poet Marvelous Mar, poet Jamaar Smiley with MachX (Keys-Cedric Thomas, Bass-Darry Wilmore, Drums- Joe Simpson) TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated At the new Woodlawn Hall 7400 Woodlawn Ave NE, near the library Presented by Abbey Arts and The Smiley Experience
4/27 Kris Delmhorst
Kris Delmhorst @ BALLARD HOMESTEAD TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
4/26 Kalos
Kalos + Countercurrent @ Ballard Homestead TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
4/25 Claire Rousay
Abbey Arts Presents: Claire Rousay TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available
4/20 Yaima
Wecelium and Abbey Arts Presents Yaima @ Washington Hall TICKETS | FACEBOOK Washington Hall – 153 14th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122 All ages, mostly standing show
The Moth StorySLAM Theme: GRUDGE @ Bloedel Hall, St Marks Cathedral TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
4/19 Poranguí
Poranguí, Sonya Robin, Micaela Kingslight, and more @ WASHINGTON HALL TICKETS | FACEBOOK Washington Hall – 153 14th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122 All ages, Mostly standing show
4/18 Liz Longley
Liz Longley @ Ballard Homestead TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
3/23 Ayla Nereo
Abbey Arts Presents Ayla Nereo, Luka, Brotha JAG @ Washington Hall TICKETS | FACEBOOK Washington Hall – 153 14th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122 All ages, mostly standing show, Organic Elixars, tea, snacks (alcohol-free event)
3/23 Imar
Imar @ Ballard Homestead TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
3/22 Frankie Beach
Frankie Beach, Sabrina Saed, Nathan Reed @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
3/21 The Round
The Round Ft. Erin Austin (OK SWEETHEART), Quinn DeVeaux, Cumulus, more @ Fremont Abbey TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
3/19 Drumspyder
Drumspyder, Arielle Threlkeld, Erika Merz -Spring Equinox Song Circle & Co-Creative Performance @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
1/13 Damien Jurado
Damien Jurado, Lilly Miller @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
1/12 Damien Jurado
Damien Jurado, Byung @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, Bar w/ ID
12/15 The Moth
The Moth StorySLAM Theme: CONFESSIONS @ Fremont Abbey TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
12/15 Margo Cilker
Tractor Tavern and Abbey Arts Presents: Margo Cilker + Jeremy Ferrara TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated,
11/18 Jenny Owen Youngs
Tractor Tavern and Abbey Arts Presents: Jenny Owen Youngs, John Mark Nelson @ Fremont Abbey TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
11/12 Tannahill Weavers
Abbey Arts Presents: The Tannahill Weavers @ Ballard Homestead TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated
11/11 French Cassettes
Abbey Arts Presents: French Cassettes, Don Piano @ FREMONT ABBEY TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available
11/9 Jenn Champion
Abbey Arts Presents: Jenn Champion TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
11/8 Choir! Choir! Choir!
Abbey Arts Presents: Choir! Choir! Choir! @ Washington Hall TICKETS | FACEBOOK Washington Hall – 153 14th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122 All ages, mostly standing show, bar w/ ID
11/7 Dan Rodriguez
Abbey Arts Presents: Dan Rodriguez TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, some seating available, bar w/ ID
11/4 Emily Scott…
Abbey Arts Presents: Emily Scott Robinson, Alexa Rose @ Ballard Homestead TICKETS | FACEBOOK All ages, mostly seated