Upper Fremont at 43rd
On the #5 bus line and short walk to E line
4272 Fremont Ave North
Seattle, WA 98103
Early Shows are concerts for ALL ages that are welcoming for kids & parents but still offer enjoyable and quality music for anyone else who wants to attend (but maybe doesn’t want to be out late). Just look for the “EARLY SHOW” marker on our flyers or posters around town and via our Events Page, Facebook Page or Email Newsletter.
Typically scheduled around Noon-2pm or 4-6pm (ie. before or after nap time!), these events feature great bands performing upbeat sets of great indie music you may have heard on KEXP or others. Don’t worry, this usually isn’t kids specific music, just good clean fun for all ages and incomes.
Past shows:
July 19, 2014
October, 2013
September 21-22, 2013 @ Fremont Oktoberfest in downtown Fremont. FREE! 11a-5p both days
October 5 @ Fremont Abbey – EarlyShow (#3)
w/ Pepper Proud http://www.pepperproud.com
and Bronto & Charlotte Puppet Show http://www.brontoadventure.com
Sponsored in part by Fremont Chamber of Commerce.
Fremont Abbey Arts is a nonprofit 501c3, providing non religious arts & culture events since 2005. www.fremontabbey.org
(Julia Massey & The Five Finger Discount)
June 1st – Red Jacket Mine, Julie Massey & The Five Finger Discount
Fremont Abbey Arts Center, Noon-2pm.
TICKETS or at the door, opens 11:30am. FACEBOOK EVENT
Feel free to bring in your lunch!
June 7 – Early Soundcheck Experience with Joy Kills Sorrow.
5pm tentative, FREE // Main concert is at 8pm, TICKETS
June 22-23 @ Fremont Fair, 11am, FREE
Look for the Abbey Stage & Arts for All tent just across from PCC next to the Red Door, 11am-6pm on Saturday and 11am-5pm on Sunday.
More coming soon… Sign Up on our Free Newsletter
Early Shows are concerts for ALL ages that are welcoming for kids & parents but still offer enjoyable and quality music for anyone else who wants to attend (but maybe doesn’t want to be out late).
Just look for the “EARLY SHOW” marker on our flyers or posters around town and via our Facebook Page or Email Newsletter.
Typically scheduled around Noon-2pm or 4-6pm (ie. before or after nap time!), these events feature great bands performing upbeat sets of great indie music. Don’t worry, this usually isn’t kids specific music, just fun clean shows for all ages.
Unless stated that we have food available, feel free to bring in your own snacks or lunch, dinner, etc. and join in the fun! We recommend Abbey Arts supporters Pecado Bueno, Uneeda Burger, or Via Tribunali who are all next door.
Healthy sodas and tea are typically available. There’s always plenty of space for dancing and moving, but we also offer seats in the back for tired parents who want to relax and meet others while their kids rock out to the music up front (but don’t worry, no earplugs needed here!).
See our Events Page for upcoming shows, ticketing, etc.
Have questions for us or are you interested in tickets/scholarships?
In addition to our ArtsConnect program for nonprofits and their clients, we provide scholarships for low income families to attend concerts, workshops, and classes here when possible. Due to support from The Warm Bodies Project, we can also allow all foster kids/families to attend for free.
Feel free to email arts(at)fremontabbey.org with your information.
Enjoy the show!